Gebr. Valstar B.V. is active in breeding, propagation and production of Calathea varieties. Gebr. Valstar was looking for a new concept that highlights the unique elements of the Calathea with the aim of giving the products a new sales boost.

The Calathea, originating from the jungle of Brazil, has its own day and night rhythm. A characteristic aspect of the Calathea is the closing of the leaves when it gets dark. This is accompanied by a rustling sound which can give you the feeling that you are in nature. By developing a concept based on this principle, the line: Rhythm of Nature was created. A line that breathes the "rhythm of nature".

It was a pleasant collaboration between the two companies. Gebr. Valstar B.V. knew well which unique characteristics of the Calathea would form the base of the concept. Designstar listened carefully by making the designs.Together we managed to make the “Rhythm of Nature”-line a success.
Designstar has created the designs for the labels, pot slip-overs, boxes and brochures for this unique concept. The labels and brochures were also supplied by Designstar. In addition, the photography for Gebr. Valstar provided by Designstar, which is reflected, among other things, in the brochure and on the website.